

How to Reach Your Perfect Audience on TikTok Shop

Published 5 months ago • 3 min read

Dec 23th, 2023

How to Reach Your Perfect Audience on TikTok Shop

As a TikTok Shop seller, understanding who is your ideal audience and how to grow a robust connection with them is critical for your sales. Let’s dive into how you can make this happen.

Carve Out Your USP

First question: what is the unique selling point (USP) of your brand and products? Your USP is your brand's signature - what sets it aside from others. It is that special perk that makes your logo shine.

If you sell skincare products, your USP might be "cruelty-free & all-herbal ingredients". If you sell fleece pants, a compelling USP could be "thin design with surprising warmth". Being super cheap with decent quality can also be a distinct USP. If you struggle to pinpoint any USP for your products, maybe it's time to evaluate whether they should be displayed in your TikTok Shop.

Generally, buyers on TikTok prefer products with benefits can be demonstrated instantly and clearly in videos. If you are still pondering what to sell on your TikTok Shop, try to consider products that are creative, special and go against common assumptions. For example, most people find it reasonable or even inevitable that dog bowls splash water out when dogs drink quickly. If you sell a specially designed dog bowl that guarantees "no water splashing out" anymore, it could be a huge hit on TikTok.

Define Your Target Audience

With a clear grasp of your USP, it's time to figure out who your customers are. Crafting customer personas is a great tool for this purpose. These personas are hypothetical profiles of your ideal customers, designed to help you understand their preferences and how they make decisions.

For example, "Fitness Macy" might be a persona for a sports clothing brand, characterized as an office professional in her 40s, comfortably situated in the middle class. Macy places a high value on quality and aesthetic appeal in her athletic wear, seeking attire that not only supports her active lifestyle but also aligns with her personal taste.

To verify your persona settings, you may need to conduct some market research, surveys and even interviews.

There are many factors to consider to pinpoint your target audience. For example, location, gender, age range, income level, price range of your products, design aesthetics, brand identity, and even interest tags, etc. Further details related to defining your target audience can be found in the Ads Management section within TikTok Shop's Seller Center.

Select the Right Faces

Selling on TikTok is all about how to provide relevant short-form videos or livestreams to attract your audience and then lead them to your products. You can use your own creator account to create those content, or you can collaborate with other creators via Affiliate Programs. The key to maximize sales is that the creators you collaborate with should have similar audience demographic as yours. The reason is simple: you shouldn't hire a golf player to promote snowboarding gears.

Besides, there are also other considerations that you should take into account for better conversation rate from content to products:

  • Authenticity: Choose individuals who genuinely resonate with or use the product. Authenticity can't be faked, and audiences can spot insincerity from a mile away
  • Relatability: The people in your videos should mirror with your target audience. If viewers see themselves in the individuals featured, they re more likely to engage
  • Expertise: For certain products, featuring experts or professionals can add credibility. For instance, a renowned chef for a kitchen gadget or a fitness trainer for workout equipment
  • Engagement: Consider individuals who have a track record of engaging well with audiences, especially if they have their own following. Their charisma can elevate your content

Grow your audience base

Growing your audience on TikTok is not an easy job, yet there are some proven strategies that can help you to get started:

  • Leverage "promote" feature: with a small budget, you can use TikTok's native "promote" button to get your content to the front page of many users, and the best thing is: you can target a specific audience group that aligns perfectly with your potential customers.
  • Maintain Regular Posting: We recommend to post at least 2~3 videos each week that showcase your product and contain the product link, either posted from your own creator account or affiliated creator accounts. This frequency can keep your audience engaged and also help your content get pushed to new viewers who fit your audience profile.
  • Focus on Content Consistency: To keep your audience engaged, you need to deliver content that they expect from you. While it's ok to chase the trend and mix some variety into your content, always keep your loyal audience's preferences in mind. Don't be fooled to post random topics trying to attract a new audience group, otherwise you may risk losing your real audience forever. Imagine what will happen if a tea brand starts to post funny pet videos. However, it does not mean you are not allowed to be creative. For example, a snowboarding brand can post videos of surfing or skateboarding, as these are something many snowboarders love. Another example is: if you sell diapers, it's perfectly fine to post content of toys for toddlers as they share the same audience group.

To sum up, reaching ideal audience for your TikTok Shop requires insightful strategy and dedicated efforts in content creation. First, take time to refine your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and define the key characteristics of your target customers. With clarity on who you serve best, carefully select creators to represent your brand in shoppable videos and live streams. From there, cultivate your audience base through carefully crafted content.


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